Monday, April 26, 2010


Well, it all started with shifting careers into advertising. There was a time (not too far away) where everyone was sitting statically on their comfort chairs; debriefing the creative guys is the only activity you can do. Well even the creative director loves hanging out chez nous! Swallowing his nicotine toss with the brief. Office boys receiving MC Donald’s orders and locating the fat in your bird sight.

Poor me, working constantly until 9:00 pm, rushing to the car, and struggling 60 minuites in Cairo traffic inferno to survive back home. “Mum! What did you have for dinner?” while walking towards the fridge, grabbing food, turning on the magnificent Play Station and gossiping with friends remotely.

Midnight! Time for snuggling with the pillow turning on the A/C, TV, and the laptop... It’s the bed snack with Facebook time!!
That was the case for three consecutive years...

Revolution time!
You start packing to the gym, throwing the sports luggage in the trunk and then removing it every month at the car wash.

Time to figure out yourself!
“Ha! Advertising account management is not my thing! Media is the future.” Left advertising to sit on the same desk, with the same people, with the same office boys, in the same line of sight .. And the beat goes on ... The beat goes on...

I wonder if that the case with you too? Tell me about your day ...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The Library of the Congress is archiving all twitter activities for the past four years!

Isn't that a new advertising medium that would be worth exploring, or a follow up to Bush artificial terror he implemented around the white house corners?

Interesting is a good thing to say, scary and weird...
May be because they got bored that no one is reading books anymore!

Why do i need an iPad?

My mother has almost no experience with computers. It is really hard for a 65 years old lady to search the web using the mouse ... etc. She needs something simple and easy to use. I also figured out that my four years old nephew is facing the same challenge!

So we went to the apple store and we bought two iPads. It is a fun product but for me, a 28 years old business professional who already owns an iPhone, it is simply useless. I love my iPhone more because it is an actual phone that includes all this fun stuff. I don't really watch movies on it as i prefer watching it on my 47'' HDTV. Also, i tried to watch an actual 20 minutes clip on the iPad my arm hurt me ALOT. It is inconvenient to hold the device and try keeping it straight for 10 minutes. Imagine watching a 90 minutes movie!

From my personal opinion it is an amazing technology but simply not for me! For my mum it worked tremendously fine with her needs. Which are basically logging to Facebook, read, check her email, and show off with her other friends J

My nephew is a disaster when it comes to product care. He simply scratched the screen from the first hour of engagement, played a little with it then through it on the floor!


A couple of months ago i came across this link and I understood that Reed Business is selling their print publications under certain categories. Then the market voice perished and nothing was heard.

Other old guards had stopped their print media and went all the way in a desperate moan to online media.I am in love with reading a magazine and smelling it, highlighting the quotes and writing comments, then taking it to the bathroom and enjoy it with my morning cigarette.

Are there any people out there are like me??Is the situation with print advertising varying from one publisher to another? Does print have more survival hooks when it is based on a number of independent publishers? Is it only the big brands ownership that is turning their shrines towards online media?