Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why do i need an iPad?

My mother has almost no experience with computers. It is really hard for a 65 years old lady to search the web using the mouse ... etc. She needs something simple and easy to use. I also figured out that my four years old nephew is facing the same challenge!

So we went to the apple store and we bought two iPads. It is a fun product but for me, a 28 years old business professional who already owns an iPhone, it is simply useless. I love my iPhone more because it is an actual phone that includes all this fun stuff. I don't really watch movies on it as i prefer watching it on my 47'' HDTV. Also, i tried to watch an actual 20 minutes clip on the iPad my arm hurt me ALOT. It is inconvenient to hold the device and try keeping it straight for 10 minutes. Imagine watching a 90 minutes movie!

From my personal opinion it is an amazing technology but simply not for me! For my mum it worked tremendously fine with her needs. Which are basically logging to Facebook, read, check her email, and show off with her other friends J

My nephew is a disaster when it comes to product care. He simply scratched the screen from the first hour of engagement, played a little with it then through it on the floor!

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